Well, here's how this goes: I was a faithful veggie for almost 7 years then I got preggers and "the baby" wanted a cheese burger. Actually baby wanted a few cheese burgers then she wanted some roasted chicken and then some steak.
So, baby is 3 months old now and I'm still eating animals. Now what, I just go ahead and scarf down a bologna sandwich! Eeeeeeeeeee! I'm a full blown hypocrite! How did I come off the rails like this? I eat meat about 3 times a week now. I just had some nasty, and I mean NARSTY orange chicken from the local Lucky Panda for dinner tonight. Who knows if it was actually chicken, cat, or coatimundi. I can guarantee there was some animal cruelty involved though and I just ate it like a JERK! It didn't even taste good. I think I tasted a fur. YUK! So, what now? I'll admit it I'm enjoying some carnivorous culinary adventuring. I got a slow cooker for Christmas and I've made Beef Stew and Moroccan Chicken that kicked tofu's extra firm ass. I don't know what to do now. I think I'm gonna try to ditch the meat habit all together again when I'm not so ravenous from breast feeding. Or I may go the good-meat-eater route and only buy organic free range meats which is what I try to do now anyway. I feel a little better chomping into grass fed free roaming buffalo burgers. I'll report back in time. I don't ever want to not be conscious of where the food I eat comes from especially if it was once a living creature. I wish I'd never craved that dang fast food last summer and then I wouldn't be writing this but here I am. It's not too late right? Aren't the other veggies who have fallen off the wagon and gotten back on again for good?
wishing broccoli tasted like a t-bone,