I'm fascinated by spirits, cocktails, and mixology; and not just because I like to drink. The stories and histories of alcohol are just as intoxicating as a night out on the town with my girlz. I can just imagine standing in an old barn, cellar, stone hearth kitchen, back woods clearing, or even a cave, staring at a pile of corn, potatoes, grapes, herbs, whatever, trying to figure out how to transform produce into a magical elixir. Elixirs meant to soothe ailing bones, rotting teeth, or a burdened mind! The whole process seems a bit crazy, fermenting and straining, aging and flavoring to refinement. All over the world spirits were being born without written recipes, immaculate stills, bottling machines, or even printed labels. How did anyone know what the hell they were drinking? How did they know it wouldn't kill them? Our beverage crazed forefathers were imbibing mad scientists! But truly, the heros of alcohol are the mixologists. The art of taking those raw spirits and blending them with fruit muddles, syrups, herbs, or other spirits to indulge us all, is what keeps this liquor love affair alive. I'm pretty sure most folks use ambosol or just see the dentist if they have a tooth ache these days. We drink for enjoyment, most of us anyway.
My best friend Kate recently brought me a bottle of Linie brand Aquavit from a trip she took to Sweden. Aquavit is a slightly licorice flavored spirit made in Scandinavia. Linie, which means equator, sends it's batches voyaging on ships to cross the equator twice in sherry casks, enduring changing temperatures and humidity, and the jostling of waves, all to tint Aquavit its' signature amber color. Now that's creative dedication! Sending your booze on a cruise half way around the world to perfect it has to be the real definition of a booze cruise.
Stories abound. The next time you're at a bar or in the ABC store try something you've never heard of, read it's label, google it. You're most likely to learn a little something! Not everything about alcohol will kill your brain cells.