Most people think of non-human animals as lesser beings based solely on their level of intelligence. A lot of people feel differently. I am one of them. I believe all living beings should enjoy life and that that that is our purpose for being here. Life is the pursuit of happiness. Finding one's inner peace should be a universal right. We are not designed for pain and suffering, and neither are other animals. It is beyond my rational logic that anyone finds it acceptable to mistreat another being, of any kind, especially based on the thought that that being is not smart enough to know any better. If pain and anxiety are felt then that is what is understood. Unhappiness is known. The reasoning behind such suffering may eternally remain a mystery to the sufferer. That sufferer won't understand that it is being denied it's birth given rights to happiness because it tastes good on a bun. Any form of purposeful mistreatment toward another living creature is a sin. If you must kill to eat, do it quickly and in the least painful manor possible. Do not raise another life for the sole purpose of killing it unless you are going to give it the freedom to live out it's life time happily. These are my beliefs. It took me much longer than I would have liked to realize that by eating factory farmed meat and dairy products I was condoning these sins.
My good friend Terry Brown sent me a link to a Charlie Rose interview. The subject of her email simply said "Listen". So, I did. I listened to Charlie Rose talk with Australian Philosopher and Princeton Bioethics Professor Peter Singer. He's fascinating. Singer is very well known, and very controversial, for his views on abortion, speciesism, and euthanasia. Peter Singer became a megaphone for the animal liberation movement with his 1975 book Animal Liberation. As I listened to Peter Singer speak about ones given rights being based on ones ability to feel pain rather than on ones intellect I became excited! Hearing my own true beliefs described so eloquently was fulfilling for me. I love deep thinking and extremely compassionate people. Peter Singer is both. He went on about his ideas of religion and compassionate suicide. He makes some valid and caring points. His own mother is on her death bed. He has said that if it were up to him alone she would not be alive now, but instead at peace. He has a sister who doesn't share his view points so his mother is still alive and suffering, and Peter Singer is helping pay the bill. He has admitted to not living up to all of his own standards especially when it comes to charitable giving. He donates 25% of all his earnings to UNICEF but says he could and should give more. He states that not giving what you have beyond your needs to others living below their needs is like helping contribute to their decline. I have mixed opinions on this subject. Although I believe in charity and helping anyone in need to get themselves back on track, I do not believe in continuous handouts. I feel such systems create laziness and a level of expected donation.
The point is is that Peter Singer is a living Philosopher tackling issues of our time. He spends his life studying us and the way we live. We can learn a lot from his theories or at least bring some excellent questions upon ourselves which usually leads to growing as a person. Peter Singer is definitely someone to add to your informative source list. I need to delve deeper into his philosophies on assisted suicide, abortion, and charitable giving before stating that I totally agree with everything he says, but from what I've gathered through the below listed links I'm very interested to hear and read more especially on his animal rights ideas. I know why Terry sent me the link now. She knows how I feel about animals, and life in general. Thanks Terry B. :>
Info Links:
Interview with Charlie Rose
Interview with Ronald Bailey
Article by Paul Shapiro
Article by Donald Demarco
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